Friday, July 16, 2010

To induce, or not to induce

That is the question on my mind as I approach thirty weeks. Let's start here:
Cullen, my first born, was due November 17, 1999. The day came and went and he decided that wasn't HIS day. He waited five more days and at about four in the morning on November 22, he decided to put me in labor. My water didn't break but I could feel the contractions. I woke my then-husband up and we were on our way to the hospital. They broke my water there and I was in labor for twenty plus hours. It was miserable! There were two nurses pushing down on my stomach each time I pushed, trying to push the booger out. I had no idea he was so big, or I would have asked for a c-section. Cullen was 10 pounds, 5 ounces. My body hurt for days and the recovery sucked. There was an epidural and then after many, many hours, another hit to the back of epidural meds. I threw up during delivery and passed out right after. I had sworn I wasn't having anymore kids for at least a year after that. Once the memory faded, I eventually wanted more.
Five years later I was remarried and pregnant again. I shared with my new doctor my past experience and she said we could induce two weeks early. I was due April 1, 2005 and I went in for induction on March 18, 2005. Talk about a piece of cake! Aiden was 8 pounds, 9 ounces. When the doctor was cutting the cord, I was on video saying "That was easy. I could do this again!". And we did. Two years, two months later.
Roman was also taken two weeks early from the womb by induction. Roman was 9 pounds, 2 ounces. Also, a very easy delivery for me. Always lots of drugs involved.
Jude loves inducing. He can plan his work schedule around it and vacation time. I remember being in the doctor's office with Jude, pregnant for Roman, and the doctor said she could induce tomorrow. Before I could say anything, Jude's reply was "I have some things to take care of at work. What other days do you have?". I was so pissed, yet sat there in shock. I think we ended up scheduling it a few days later, but I let Jude have it in the car and called the doctor to change it back to the following day. How dare he?! Was he the one going in to deliver a baby?! I look back now and laugh. Jude has always gone to every baby doctor appointment with me. I think it's cute. That day he could have stayed his ass home!
What bothers me is this is our last baby and I want to feel my water break, or at least my contractions come on naturally again. I want Jude to experience the excitement of it all too, as he hasn't before. Grabbing stuff running out the door, driving fast, the pain I will complain about... I asked my doctor about not inducing this time (only if I pass my due date) and she was encouraging. She said the first child is always hard, and though she is pretty sure I will have another big baby, it shouldn't be as traumatic. I just wonder if, as the time nears, I will change my mind, or if I am even making the right decision. Is the naturally brought on labor experience really all worth it? Should I induce and spare my (fill in the blank) the extra pound or two, and have an almost guaranteed easier delivery, well planned and all? I mean, what if he comes so fast there is NO time for an epidural? I would rather die!! Should I let Preston pick when he is ready to enter the world? Trying to weigh my options here and I'm not sure what the right choice is.


Angele said...

OMG...induce!!!!!!!!!! ;)

Andrea said...

Angele, you made me laugh out loud. Jude is pulling for an induction. I just read this blog post to him in bed and he said "Don't not induce for me!" lol I had to reread the part to him where I said "I" want to experience the water breaking and contractions. He is so hoping I cave and schedule, I know it:)

Raising Davis Darlings said...

Well, personally I would induce because I am a whimp when it comes to pain. BUT in your case this is your fourth delivery and your body has done this three times before and will know what to do, so you should not have too many problems such as a long labor. So if there is no epidural, it should be quick. I say, if this is your last, then go for letting Preston pick his due date. Go out with a bang girlie! :)

Heather said...

After my first induction I swore I wouldn't do it again but I was so miserable this time that I agreed to be induced a week early. Charlotte had other ideas- she came before our scheduled induction and she came fast. She was born less than an hour and twenty minutes from when I got to the ER. There was no glorious epidural b/c it happened so fast. They couldn't do any shots or other meds because I was so far along and they had to hold my legs together waiting for the doctor to drive from her house to get there! So if you want the guaranteed pain relief- induce!

Stitches In Cotton said...

I've heard that induced contractions are way worse than regular contractions. I wouldn't know though so I'm no help on this one. I would never induce since I've had 2 c-sections it would not be wise (too large of a risk for uterine rupture).