Saturday, February 28, 2009

The way children change you

There are many ways, these are just a few off the top of my head.
Please feel free to add to it.
Your body changes, that's for sure.
They way you think about the world and the future, changes.
Thrill seeking days end, thinking of your children's future without you.
Our sleep hours change.
Clothes style changes for lots of moms, and not for the better. Myself, included.
Our friends change.
Sometimes, the city we live in must change. (neighborhood, school, etc.)
The way you look at the simple things in life change, when you are looking through your child's eyes.
Your social life changes. You have to be really selective in deciding where you will go without your children because you can only leave them with a sitter every so often.
The way you drive changes.
The way you love changes.
Children make you want to be a better person because they are mirrors of your actions.
Children make it impossible to talk on the phone, always.
Children bring a joy and a form of entertainment that you cannot experience any other way and it is the BEST.
Children can bring you back to your childhood at any given moment.
Children change the way you look at your own mother.
Children change the way you look at your own family.
You will spend more money on your children, and less on yourself, once they are a fetus.
Children make you second guess yourself more than anyone else can in the world.
Children will make you worry, all the time.
Your life is one big sacrifice with children, and it is also the most rewarding life you can imagine.
Children change the way your home looks.
Children change what television shows you watch. That is why DVR is a must!
Children change "what matters most" in your life.
Children change your priorities.

To be continued...

Friday, February 27, 2009

The true love of my life

What doesn't break you, will only make you stronger.
That is the saying. Well, after all Jude and I have been through in the past weeks, I have to say it is totally true. I won't go into details because they are ugly. I really feel Jude is my true love. I had to be married once before, a starter marriage so to speak, to really truly appreciate Jude. I am one of those that believe everything happens for a reason.
Besides Jude loving me unconditionally, these are a few perks of being his wife.
He accepts Cullen and treats him as he is his own, from day one.
He adores his chidren. He adores me.
He is not a jealous person and lets me do lots of stuff with my friends, never complaining.
He cooks dinner after working all day if I do not feel like cooking that night.
I may even catch him doing dishes at times.
He doesn't 'expect' me to clean the house, only to keep the children fed and well.
He bathes the boys at night and dresses them for bed. Every night.
Then, he reads them bed time stories and puts them to bed.
On his days off, he will keep the kids while I run errands or go get my hair done.
He takes off work when I need him to.
He works eleven hour shifts, five days a week, and still does all of the above.
A lot of people wonder why I talk him up so much and always brag on my Jude. I am the wife that wants to spend time at home with her husband every minute I can. I always want him.
We were on this sort of honeymoon for five years and the past few weeks came close to breaking us. It came out of nowhere. It was scary. I am happy to say things are lovely again. It was a big bump in our marriage, but not one we couldn't overcome. I want Jude to know just how much I appreciate him and how lucky I am to have him in my life. I cannot imagine life without him. I could never love anyone else the way I fully, unconditionally love him. I put him on a pedestal, and at the same time, realize he is only human. Let this be my reminder of what I have at home! We are rich in love, not in money!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I did it!

Tonight, after Cullen and I played Connect Four, Roman decided he wanted to play himself. When he would put two or three in, he would yell "I did it!" and throw his arms up in the air like victory. I had to catch it on camera, of course.

Cullen on the computer

Aiden drinking in the tub

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Movie night

Aiden wanted to watch a movie so we put one on in the playroom. Next thing we know, he is setting up chairs for him and Ro to sit on. He pulls them right next to each other and says "Sit here Sham, we can be twins." I am not sure he meant those exact words, but it was so sweet. A movie is never complete without popcorn.

The boys having lunch together earlier in the day:

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mardi Gras was today??

Yesterday evening, Jude went out to the neutral ground by our house and put his MG chairs out to mark his spot. He had me cracking up laughing because he had to check on them every hour. The last time was at midnight and I asked why even check if they could be moved while we were sleeping. He went anyway. They were fine. At seven this morning he was out with all the neighbors, holding our spot, while the boys and I slept in till 10:30. Eventually, his dad showed up to relieve him, and he came home to motivate us to leave. The problem was, I had no motivation. All I could think about was having the house all to myself. That NEVER happens. I helped him dress the boys and sent them on their way. I told Jude I would be getting ready soon. As he came in for breaks, I think he got the idea that I wasn't leaving. I slept till 5 pm. How nice it was! I cannot explain just how rested I feel at the moment. They came home around that time and they all took naps so I even got to watch some tv today. Here are a few photos Jude sent me of Mardi Gras:

Sunday, February 22, 2009


This morning I went to work and was happy to get off after only four hours. The FQ is crazy with tourists at the moment and everyone wants to come in, touch stuff, ooh and ahh, and leave. Drives me nuts. I came home to take a nap with Jude, Aiden and Ro. I love nap time! (Cullen has been at his friends house all weekend, playing all day, doing the parade thing at night.) I grilled hamburgers and we went to the local parade, Napoleon. What a great Sunday it was for the family!

The ladder daddy built, that no one would sit in

The tears shed when put up top

So upset!

Aiden showing his stuff

Shimmy putting on beads

Big cheese!

A teddy Ro caught:)

On our way home, I let Ro walk, he stopped and picked up every bead that was left behind. So sweet! We enjoyed ourselves.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Dear boys,

I love you.
That's all.


Friday, February 20, 2009

Cullen's school parade

Aiden, Roman, and I went to Cullen's school parade today. Cullen played his precorder in it and he did great. Amy and Delaney met us there. We also saw our friends Sara, Andrew, Cari, and Dylan, so we sat with them. Aiden was pouting at first because he didn't catch anything right away, but as time went on, lots of goodies started coming away! I think it had a lot to do with cute Delaney coming to sit on the ground by us. Kids love babies! The parade was a success and the boys are all home playing in the front yard at the moment. The weather is beautiful! Thank you, God, for the very filling life you give us. Thank you, Jude, for letting me stay home with our handsome boys so I never miss moments like these. We are truly blessed.


Aiden and Roman playing




Enjoying the parade


Roman's hand on Aiden's back

Delaney and Mommy


Boys playing outside....

The neighbors cat that adopted us!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thor on Thursday

We went to Thor tonight and it was a blast! Not many people were out on the route; it was cold and it passed late by us. No complaints here. We caught so much stuff! Here are a few pictures of our night.

Click "here" for more pictures

More dancing...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

...the rest of Wednesday

We made it! We went to Druids, had a fabulous time and it didn't even rain! Cullen and Aiden did great catching stuff and it was such a fun night. I'm glad we didn't stay home!!

Aiden dancing!

Working Wednesday

Things I did at work today:

1. Made a vlog of the place I work at to show all the cute clothes the store has...

2. Decided I like the group Wolfsheim and listened to them all day, unintentionally.

3. Held a very cute baby girl that is super sweet and dreamed of having my very own one day!

4. Took a picture of Jason (co-worker) holding that same very cute baby because it was his first time to EVER hold a baby and we were laughing hysterically at him (Why are guys like that?!)5. Took a picture of Rachael's cool red, black and white flowers.6. Waited for it to rain all day to decide if we were going to Druid's or not.
It hasn't rained yet. We don't know yet.

7. Made this blog.

Goofy boys

Playing with Daddy's hats
for some morning time fun
"Wait, HELP! I can't see!"

It's Mardi Gras all the time at our house!
(He was so proud he did this all by himself yesterday.)