Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Busy being fabulous

HA! Okay, not really. That song was just on by the Eagles. I have been busy though. With school starting this Monday for my big boy, I have been doing a new routine (and loving it). The little ones haven't been playing as much and are having a built up energy crisis. I am so looking forward to Aiden starting school next week. It will be his first time ever in a school (structured environment, daycare, etc). He has ALWAYS been by my side. I cherish all the time we have had together and I know when he grows up, he will appreciate it. I do look forward to one on one time with the Ro-man next week.
Cullen says he likes his new school and looks so handsome in his new uniform. I know he misses his friends and it breaks my heart, but I hope he will make new ones soon. He starts football on Monday and I hope some of his classmates are on the neighborhood team so he can get to know some people better. The studies seem to be on the same page as private school so that does make it a little easier. He likes his teacher. He hates public school lunches. My first baby isn't a baby anymore.
As for the new routine, the little bittys wake up at seven something every morning and wake me up. I get up around 7:45 with Cullen and fix breakfast, dress two monkeys and myself, grab a cup of coffee and leave the house for 8:45. I drop Cullen off at school a few blocks away and go to the gym. I work out with my besty for some time and go home to clean, run errands, fit some form of entertainment in for the kids, do lunch, nap time, and in the car pool line at 3:30 to get Cullen. There is no bus service for him because, quote, we "are within walking distance to the school." Sheesh! Have they felt how hot it is outside? Pushing a double stroller? No thank you! lol I don't mind the four and a half block trip in the car, anyway. Maybe we'll walk/wagon it in the fall.
Grandma is doing swell and has had cousin Mary Jane staying with her from Texas. That has been a huge relief and I will have to buy her something nice.
My desktop computer malfunctioned this past weekend (thanks to mwah) and I have been spending hours of free time reprogramming it with all of my software, settings, downloads, etc. I always seem to f something up every year or two on every computer I own. I hope to have my photo software for editing back on it soon (if I can find it) or otherwise I am going to have to LEARN Photoshop, which I have been putting off since Christmas, when I received it. Wish me luck.
Okay, so that is the past few days in a nutshell and will have more jibber jabber tomorrow. I just needed to blog. Goodnight.
Ooops, I almost forgot weigh in Wednesday. Nothing. Zero. Nadda. Next week I hope to have better news for myself. I am officially doing the gym now.

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